EBMA is a Foundation which has proper legal and financial arrangements and an audited budget is submitted annually in accordance with established by-laws.

Council of Participants

  1. Belgium: Ghent University
  2. Georgia: David Tvildiani Medical University
  3. Netherlands: University Medical Center Groningen
  4. Netherlands: Maastricht University
  5. Poland: Jagiellonian University
  6. Poland: Medical Universit of Lodz
  7. Portugal: University of Minho
  8. Portugal: University of Algarve
  9. Finland: University of Helsinki
  10. Spain: Practicum Script
  11. Switzerland: University of Freiburg
  12. UK: University of Exeter
  13. UK: Plymouth University
  14.  Ireland: Royal College of of Surgeons in Ireland
  15.  Malta: EDU, Faculty of Medicine

The Board is constituted by:

The Council of Audit and Governance

EBMA office

The Board is supported by a back office located in Cardiff University, responsible for the day-to-day management and administrative aspects of the organisation.


  • Psychometrician / assessment specialist – Dr. Carlos Collares, MD