EBMA offers a wide range of services consisting of workshops and tailor-made consultancy services:
1. Faculty development workshops
EBMA offers workshops in the field of assessment. This can be organized on location or in Maastricht (the Netherlands). Depending on the subject of the workshop, EBMA will assign the appropriate workshop leader from the existing EBMA community. The faculty development workshops that EBMA provide comprise different topics, such as:
- Programmatic assessment
- Workplace-based assessment
- Effective feedback
- Item writing
- Psychometrics
- E-portfolio
2. Consultancy services
EBMA’s consultancy services helps medical schools and training programmes in the development and implementation of their assessment programmes. Our assessment experts can work closely together to create a unique assessment programme for learning that meets the standards for excellence. Furthermore, EBMA could advise on specific topics on all aspects of assessment. Some examples could be:
- support for the implementation of a programmatic assessment system
- benchmarking of an assessment programme against accreditation criteria
- Computerized adaptive testing
- Tailor-made solutions