Technology enabled assessment

“Reshaping the future of assessment for life-long learners”

The following topics will be discussed during this international conference on assessment

  • The embeddedness of technology in medical education
  • Using technology for traditional learning methods and assessment, as well for new methods
  • The application of technology for large scale education
  • Technology and electronic testing formats
  • Trends in technology for new ways of assessment

Beyond the main subject technology  of this conference, we also included other assessment topics that will be discussed which are workplace-based assessment, programmatic assessment, professionalism and performance based assessment and many more.

The full description of the theme could be find here

The full programme and all information on each session, interesting speakers, and well known workshop leaders can be found on the subpages!


Prof. André F. de Champlain
Medical Council, Canada
Prof. Marco Antonio Carvalho-Filho
Groningen University, the Netherlands


Book your ticket now!

Information about the conference theme

The full programme

Abstract submission
