The EBMA Annual Conference 2019 will feature a series of pre-conference events on Thursday, 7th November. These are intended to offer a platform for attendees to engage with experts on relevant subjects and questions related to assessment in medical education.

EBMA is pleased to offer a selection of 3 pre-conference workshops
These workshops are not included in the conference registration and will incur an additional fee of €50 per workshop. Please note that each workshop can only take up a maximum of 24 people.

Programme Pre-Conference Events Thursday 7th November



From 12:00

Conference Registration opens
Foyer (ground floor)



Refreshments (tea/coffee/water)
breakfast room 01.40 (ground floor)

break 14:45)

Pre-conference workshop I: Designing and implementing programmatic assessment: does one size fit all?
(Facilitated by Dr Lubberta de Long,  Dr Harold Bok, Dr Luke Dawson and Prof Cees van der Vleuten)  
room 01.12 (ground floor)

14:00 -15:30
Closed Meeting of Participants of EBMA
room 01.22 (ground floor)

Pre-conference workshop II: A Practical Introduction to Standard Setting
(Facilitated by Dr Lee Coombes)
room 01.23 (ground floor)

14:30 – 16:30
AMSE Exco – Closed Meeting 
breakfast room 01.40 (ground floor)

Pre-conference workshop III: Stimulating the study process with rules and regulations of assessment
(Facilitated by Dr Rene Tio and Dr Wybe Nieuwland)
room 01.24 (ground floor)


Refreshments break
breakfast room 01.40 (ground floor)


Welcome and introductions
Keynote Presentations 
Aula Zachodnia (West lecture hall) (ground floor)

Professor Richard Fuller, University of Liverpool (40 min each +Q&A)
In a changing world of assessment, does the OSCE have a future?

Professor Trevor Gibbs, Independent Professor and Consultant in Medical Education and Primary Care (40 min each +Q&A)
Implementing change in countries with limited resources


Opening Entertainment and Reception
Aula Zachodnia (West lecture hall) (ground floor)


Click here for the programme on Friday 8th November
Click here for the programme on Saturday 9th November
Click here to submit an abstract
Click here to register