Prof. Adrian Freeman, University of Exeter Medical School
Workshop description
This will be an interactive presentation explaining the principles and practice of progress testing. It will explore the different uses of progress testing, opportunities for feedback, practical ways to make progression decisions, etc. It will be flexible to the needs of the delegates.
P. M. Van Der Vleuten, G. M. Verwijnen & W. H. F. W. Wijnen(2009) Fifteen years of experience with progress testing in a problem-based learning curriculum, Medical Teacher, 18:2, 103-109, DOI: 10.3109/01421599609034142
Adrian Freeman, Cees Van Der Vleuten, Zineb Nouns & Chris Ricketts(2010) Progress testing internationally,Medical Teacher, 32:6, 451-455, DOI: 3109/0142159X.2010.485231
Sylvia Heeneman, Suzanne Schut, Jeroen Donkers, Cees van der Vleuten & Arno Muijtjens (2016) Embedding of the progress test in an assessment program designed according to the principles of programmatic assessment, Medical Teacher, 39:1, 44-52, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2016.1230183
William Wrigley, Cees PM Van Der Vleuten, Adrian Freeman & Arno Muijtjens(2012) A systemic framework for the progress test: Strengths, constraints and issues: AMEE Guide No. 71, Medical Teacher, 34:9, 683-697, DOI: 3109/0142159X.2012.704437