Carlos Fernando Collares, Maastricht University

Workshop description

This workshop will provide information on computerized adaptive testing (CAT) and the necessary steps to implement your own CAT solution. A brief introduction to item response theory and how it is used in the development of your own CAT will also take place. Not only will the advantages of CAT be discussed but also the potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. Exercises on item calibration and the simulation of a CAT will be discussed with the participants.

Participants will have the opportunity to calibrate some items, run some CAT simulations and discuss any doubts they might have during the activity.

Participants are expected to understand the basic elements of how CAT works and apply such understanding in the preparation for their own CAT initiatives.

The facilitator is an assessment specialist for EBMA, coordinator of the EBMA International Progress Test programme, having implemented progress tests using CAT in several countries around the world.


Bibliographic references:

Downing, S. M. Item response theory: applications of modern test theory in medical education. Medical Education 2003;37:739–745.

De Champlain, A. F. Medical Education 2010: 44: 109–117.