Keynote Presentation

In a changing world of assessment, does the OSCE have a future?

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the challenges of ‘authentic’ OSCE formats in a changing health professions landscape
  • Realisation of the value of a move from mass testing to adaptive and individual performance testing
  • An appreciation of the future scope of personalised, immersive testing


Richard is a Consultant Geriatrician/Stroke Physician and Vice-Dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Liverpool, generating exciting new initiatives in curriculum design, mobile technology, assessment and personalised learning across health professions and the continuum of undergraduate and postgraduate practice.

His main research interests focus on assessment, working with a cross institutional Assessment Research Group. His current research focuses on the ‘personalisation’ of assessment, to support individual learner journeys. This is underpinned by work from the Group focusing on the application of intelligent assessment design in campus and workplace-based assessment formats, assessor behaviours, mobile technology delivered assessment and the impact of sequential testing methodologies. He publishes and speaks regularly at leading international medical education conferences and is a faculty member at a number of leading global assessment courses. He holds a number of national/UK advisory roles, including acting as an assessment expert for the General Medical Council – and undertakes a range of advisory and developmental work in relation to curriculum, senior faculty development and assessment for a number of international institutions.