Nuno Sousa ( MD, PhD) is Full Professor at the School of Health Science, University of Minho. He is the Director of the Medical Degree at University of Minho. He is the Coordinator of the Neuroscience Research Domain, which integrates the newly formed Portuguese Government Associate Laboratory (LA) ICVS/3B´s.
Nuno Sousa’s main research interests are focused in the establishment of functional and structural correlations mediated by stress and its implications in neuropsychiatric disorders. Detailed assessment of neuroplastic events, incorporation of newly generated cells into neuronal networks, rearrangements of established dendritic and synaptic contacts, combined with behavioural, neurochemical and electrophysiogical correlates have been established in his laboratory and several modulatory interventions have also been tested in order to promote recovery of structure and function in neuronal tissues. Research in Sousa’s lab covers topic from fundamental research to clinical studies.