Pre-conference workshop I: Designing and implementing programmatic assessment: does one size fit all?
Members of the SIG programmatic assessment EBMA*:
Lubberta de Jong, Prof. dr. Luke Dawson, Prof. dr. Cees van der Vleuten and dr. Harold Bok
Utrecht University, University of Liverpool and Maastricht University
Workshop description
In programmatic assessment a variety of activities are integrated within a program of assessment. Hereby, individual low-stakes assessments provide learning opportunities for the learner. High-stakes decisions will be made based on the aggregation of a multitude of low-stakes assessments into a robust judgement about the learners’ performance.
Increasingly, programs within the health professions education have designed and implemented programmatic assessment. In doing so, an optimal design and implementation is key in a successful program. However, does one size fit all? The application of programmatic assessment under different contexts, along with the challenges and limitations imposed by the environment, can sometimes be challenging.
In this workshop we will lay out the concept of programmatic assessment and its use illustrated by three case examples within Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine. Using interactive assignments, we will discuss the different implementations with a specific focus on: opportunities and challenges in implementing and designing a program, providing meaningful feedback to the learner, high-stakes decision making and program evaluation. Participants will gain basic understanding of the underlying principles of programmatic assessment and gain insights in designing and implementing programmatic assessment in different contexts.*
* interested in the SIG programmatic assessment? Further information:
Workshop format
The presenters will provide input for discussion by sharing their knowledge on theory, research findings and experience within their own practice. The participants will work in small groups on different assignments guided by one of the presenters. The outcomes of the small group discussions will be shared in plenary discussions. Interactive tools will be used to encourage active participation, e.g. kahoot.
· Develop basic knowledge and understanding of the principles of programmatic assessment
· Update on the latest findings within research on programmatic assessment
· Share of best practices within programmatic assessment
· Gain insights into how to design and implement programmatic assessment in different contexts
Congruent with the aims of the SIG programmatic assessment EBMA, the outcomes of this workshop is sharing best practices within different contexts to support other programs in implementing programmatic assessment. The outcomes of the discussions within the workshop will be shared and discussed with the SIG programmatic assessment EBMA members. Participants can request the powerpoint slides on the theory of programmatic assessment and the discussed case examples.
Additional information – Participants are requested to bring their own device with access to internet (laptop or tablet).
Click here to book your ticket for this Pre-conference workshop
Check out Pre-conference workshop II: A Practical Introduction to Standard Setting
Check out Pre-conference workshop III: Stimulating the study process with rules and regulations of assessment