Katarzyna Janusz, Centre for Medical Education Medical Univesity of Lodz, Poland
“Coming here to Maastricht an excellent choice. The course Introduction to Assessment turned out to be both informative and inspiring. There were 13 participants of various cultural and professional background, which made the course a truly unique socio-cultural experience, a real eye-opener for me.
The topics selected for the course covered a sufficient range of concepts to keep me focused. I especially appreciated the fact that the transformative role of assessment was referred to in each part of the course and by each lecturer. The level of the training was generally well adjusted with a small exception of some moments in two lectures where the intricacies of statistical methods were difficult to follow.
The course definitely increased my interest in assessment and in medical education, and whetted my appetite for more.”
Prof. Paul Geisler, Ithaca College, United States.
“The 2018 EBMA Introduction to Assessment program at Maastricht University was an intense, challenging, fun, and highly informative week-long course that delivered high quality and engaging instruction on very sophisticated theories and practices germane to the evidence-informed assessment of healthcare and medical programs. The expert faculty and friendly staff were extremely helpful and considerate, and delivered a seamless and highly organized event for a very diverse and multifaceted group of participants seeking to know more about educational assessment. The information and skills I learned on feedback, blueprinting, item writing, psychometrics and programmatic assessment are just what I need to help make improvements in my work as an athletic training education administrator and educator in the United States, and I’m excited to put into practice what I learned at the 2018 EBMA course at Maastricht University. I highly recommend this course to any health professions educator/administrator who is looking to improve their approach to, and results with, programmatic assessment in their home field—the fact that participants get to spend a week in the beautiful and warm city of Maastricht is an added bonus!”