The aim of this project is to develop an online adaptive international progress test. This consortium consist of the University of Maastricht, University Medical Centre Groningen (the Netherlands), Universidade de Minho (Braga, Portugal), University of Exeter, University of Plymouth, Medical University Lodz (Poland), Jagiellonian University (Krakow, Poland) and University of Helsinki.
Almost one year into the project, all eight partners have been trained in item writing and reviewing at their institute. All partners are in the last phase of writing items in line with the established adaptive progress test blueprint. Concurrently, partners are reviewing items from the consortium following established and agreed guidelines. At the same time the infrastructure for the online test is being developed. The pilot phase at every partner institute is planned around October and November 2019 and students at each institute are encouraged to take part in test administration. During this pilot phase the items, written by all consortium partners, will be ‘calibrated’ to create an item bank fit for adaptive administration.
We are looking forward to the results of the pilots and keep you updated about the project here!