EBMA Annual Conference on Assessment – 2019

Watch this video to get a glimpse of what is going to happen during the conference:

We are delighted to announce that EBMA 2019 will occur in November 5-7th at Medical University of Łódz in Poland.

This year’s conference theme will be dedicated to “New approaches to assessment in health professions education”.

Some background on the theme


Something about the content of the program

Something about the pre-conferences

Something about symposia and debates

The conference will present an exciting program with five fantastic keynote speakers:

  • Richard Fuller (
  • Suzanne Schut (Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
  • ….

We believe that this program will be interesting for both the technology-eager and experienced assessor as well as for the novice medical educator.

We hope to see you in Łódz!


Organizing Committee 2o19

Click on the following links for more information

Information about the conference theme

The full programme

Abstract submission
