Dear EBMA members and conference attendees,

We would like to thank you for your ongoing support of the EBMA and the virtual conference that we have been running this year. The conference organising committee had to make the difficult decision to move from a face to face conference to a virtual conference given all the uncertainties about travel last year. We are encouraged by the number of participants in the webinars and the number of views the webinar recordings have received. Participants can view the webinar recordings up to a year after the conference.

Looking ahead to the new year, we have four more webinars and a plenary presentation to draw the conference series to a close. Details of the conference can be found on the conference website.

We would also like to thank all the sponsors of the conference for their support and we would encourage conference participants to engage with our sponsors by looking at how they can support assessments in your programmes.

The academic members of the organising committee would like to thank and acknowledge Cecilia Manosa, Annemarie Camp and Lisanne Belt for all their hard work in supporting the virtual conference organisation.

We hope that you and your loved ones are well during these unpredictable times. I am sure we are all heartened by the recent progress announced by various research teams about vaccine development and the hope this brings of a return to what we consider a more normal way of life.

Finally we wish you all a restful festive season and hope that you are able to spend some time with your families and friends. We look forward to seeing you in 2021.

Best wishes,

EBMA 2020-21 organising committee.

Professor Iain Robinson