The 2nd edition of the EBMA conference on assessment is coming closer and we are happy with all abstracts received. We’re proud on the diverse and high-level program we can offer.

The registrations are coming in and we are delighted with the number of participants and their nationalities. They have arrived from all over the world within UK, Spain, Portugal, Australia, Sudan, Iran, Norway, Sweden, Saudi-Arabia, the Netherlands, Poland, USA.

Book your ticket now to enjoy this conference about the topic ‘Transformative Assessment’.

Only during the AMEE conference we offer a 20% discount on the conference fee!

There are two interesting key note speakers:

Prof. Shipra Ginsburg: “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Untapped Potential of Written Assessment Comments.”

Prof. Janke Cohen Schotanus: “How assessment drives learning.”

A wide range of workshops, oral presentations and poster presentations is included in the programme.

Abstract submission

The abstract submission deadline expired on July 1st, but we still welcome poster presentations. If you are interested, take a look here.

The EBMA conference in 2018 will be hosted in Braga, Portugal. More information will follow soon!

Enlarge this conference with one day!

The NVMO (Netherlands Association of Medical Education) invites participants of the EBMA Conference to take part of the first day of their 2017 conference.

As this year’s EBMA conference takes place prior to our yearly NVMO conference, at Egmond aan Zee, it gives the opportunity to lengthen your stay and learn more about medical education. The theme of this year’s conference is Inspire to learn: teachers make all the difference! During the conference experts will lead the way to the state of the art in education in medicine and the health professions in plenaries and workshops.  The NVMO conference is open to all medical and health care teachers in undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as students and educationalists and all practising physicians, dentists, veterinarians, paramedics and others that are involved in health care education. The conference is attended by over 800 delegates. Book your ticket here.

Most programmed items are in Dutch. However, there is a full English track available for you.

The keynote speakers are:

  • Yvonne Steinert
  • Patricia S. O’Sullivan

Sub sessions in English:

–        The NVMO Expert Group Assessment will give a workshop. Details will follow soon.

–        Professor Olle ten Cate will present a workshop about the use of EPA’s in assessing the quality of teaching.