Peter Pype (born 1966) is a post-doctoral researcher working at the department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care at Ghent University and collaborating with the End-of-Life Care Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) & Ghent University since 2016. He studied Medicine at the KUL in Leuven and obtained his Master’s degree in 1991. He holds a PhD in Health Sciences (2014) ‘ Workplace learning for general practitioners in palliative care: suitable and feasible?’, supported by Kom Op Tegen Kanker. This study focused on interprofessional collaboration in primary palliative care. Peter is a communication skills trainer for medical students at Ghent University. He is member of the policy committee of the International Association for Communication in Healthcare and chair of a taskforce of the European Association for Palliative Care ‘ International Collaboration on the methodology of guideline development for palliative care professionals’. His research focuses on palliative care, interprofessional collaboration and communication in healthcare.